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Shrooms everywhere

Dear Makawao,

You sure do love mushrooms.

More mushroom sightings today. They appear overnight and disappear the next day. Your shaggy shrooms sound like these:

Chlorophyllum molybdites, a Green-spored shaggy parasol - note the pale greenish hue of the oldish gills - is a poisonous look-alike of several tasty shaggy parasols. According to Hemmes & Desjardin it is causing the most fungally induced emergency room visits in Hawai'i. However, its unique green spores, which gave the genus its name, make it clearly distinguishable from other white-spored Chlorophyllum species, such asCh. rachodes, Ch. brunneum [back to PNW edibles] and Ch. olivieri. In the past these three were all identified as Macrolepiota. However, DNA analyses has shown (Vellinga 2002/2003) that these fungi are more closely related Ch. molybdites than to Macrolepiota procera, the Parasol mushroom, one of Europe's most famous edible mushroom.


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